Online Opening EcoDep Conference

Abstracts Book
YouTube channel

Registration is mandatory: participants will get a secured link before the event.
A Youtube broadcast will allow to deal with the limited number of possible registrations (100).
Applicants are asked to complete registrations with affiliation and location.

EcoDep project. Ecology is a major societal issue. The project aims at developing dynamical models as well as statistical and decisional tools in this field; we shall also consider more descriptive and data oriented questions.
Hence we plan to:
- describe and understand ecology oriented data sets.
- develop probabilist models of population dynamics
- develop statistical tools for applications.
- implement such tools for applications to ecology.

The Ecodep project includes a large number of collaborators to make it possible and, if necessary, it may even be enlarged for application purposes.

EcoDep conference. The different sessions of the conference will investigate possible future orientations for the project ECODEP; due to the transverse ideas at the basis of Ecodep we shall avoid thematic sessions. A round table at the end of this conference will plan a follow-up of the project. Typically transverse works can make use of the topics of the talks. This Conference aims at exhibiting the needs of Ecologists; the Probability or Statistics oriented talks should yield adequate tools for ecological puposes through collaborations within the group and possibly outside the Ecodep team.

Schedule (Abstracts Book, section 2) is designed for a worldwide audience:
- Morning (Eastern Sessions) 9:00-12:00 Paris Time
[16:00-19:00 Tokyo Time] [19:00-22:00 Nouméa Time]
- Afternoon (Western Sessions) 15:00-18:00 Paris Time
[10:00-13:00 Santiago] [9:00-12:00 New-York Time]
- Round table: September 11, 15:00-18:00, Paris Time.
- Social Programm: free see Abstracts Book, section 1.2.

Talks (Abstracts Book, section 3)
- Pierre Alquier (Riken-AIP, Tokyo) Parametric estimation via MMD optimization: robustness to outliers and dependence.
- Alejandra Cabana (UAB, Barcelona) Estimation of under reporting in count time series data. Application to CoVID-19 cases.
- Joel E Cohen (Columbia & Rockefeller Universities, New-York) Tornadoes, infectious disease, human death rates, fish, and prime numbers: variance functions and Taylor's law of fluctuation scaling.
- Gilles Durrieu (UBS, Vannes) A nonparametric statistical procedure for the detection of marine pollution and global warming effects.
- Victor de la Pena (Columbia, New-York) On the Empirical Taylor's Law and the Bias of the Coefficient of Variation.
- Paul Doukhan (CYU Cergy) Opening.
- Thierry Huillet (LPTM, Cergy) Scaling features of two special Markov chains involving total disasters.
- William Kengne (THEMA, Cergy) Model selection for common time series models.
- Yves Lebras (Biotope) Bat mortality in wind farms: assessment and mitigation.
- Morgan Mangeas (IRD, Nouméa) New mathematical approaches for modelling dengue fever dynamics at global and local scales.
- Pablo Marquet (PUC, Santiago) Reconstructing complex ecological networks.
- Sylvie Méléard (Polytechnique, Palaiseau) Adaptation to a gradual environment - Research of lineages.
- Hélène Morlon (ENS, Paris) Stochastic models in (macro)evolution.
- Sergio Navarette (PUC, Santiago) The wonderful complexity of coastal marine ecological networks.
- Michael Neumann (Mathematics, Jena) Multivariate isotonic regression for time series.
- Eric Renault (Economy, Warwick) Lag-augmented local projections and causality properties at different horizons.
- Joseph Rynkiewicz (SAMM, Paris) Mixtures of Nonlinear Poisson Auto-regressions.
- Yahia Sahli (ISFA, Lyon) Dynamical Taylor's laws.
- Viet Chi Tran (LAMA, Marne-la-Vallée) User-driven exploration of social networks with application in epidemiology.
- Lionel Truquet (ENSAI, Rennes) Times series : exogeneity and random environment.