IHP: Room Pierre Grisvard,
September 30-October 1, 2024
Organised by
Paul Doukhan (CY University, Cergy)
Laurence Reboul (AMU, Marseille)
Yahia Salhi (ISFA, Lyon)
Lionel Truquet (ENSAI, Rennes)
This conference aims at presenting useful tools for population dynamic and ecology in the frame of the ecodep project.
Talks will be 30 minutes long including discussions
Provisional program
Hansjoerg Albrecher (HEC, Lausanne)
Natalia Bahamonde (PUCV, Valparaiso)
Patrice Bertail (Nanterre, Paris)
Felix Cheysson (Univ-Eiffel, Champs-sur-Marne)
Joel E Cohen (Rockfeller/Columbia, NYC)
Victor de la Pena (Columbia, NYC)
Thomas Deschatre (EDF, Saclay)
Guillaume Franchi (ENSAI, Rennes)
Christian Francq (ENSAE, Saclay)
Aldo Garay (University Permambuco, Recife)
Didier Girard (IMAG, Grenoble)
Claude Lefèvre (ULB, Bruxels)
Francyelle de Lima Medina (University Permambuco, Recife)
Sana Louhichi (IMAG, Grenoble)
Thi Hien Nguyen (CYU, Cergy)
Pierre Patie (Cornell, Ithaca)
Denys Pommeret (AMU,Marseille)
Laurence Reboul (AMU, Marseille)
Jean-Michel Zakoian (ENSAE, Saclay)
A supper will hold on September 30, 19:00-21:00:
send a message if you are interested
Registration is totally free but mandatory.
(link to the site of IHP)
please email for informations/registration
The conference room has a small capacity: 35 seats.